Ideas and Code

mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

buzzbox google gadget (test)

venerdì 26 febbraio 2010

Tweet about a Story with buzzbox

The tweet button on buzzbox is pretty nice because with 1 click you get:

- the title of the story
- the source name
- the short url (using - buzzbox's shortening service)
- the most important topics (this is kind of unique, as far as I know)

Everything is formatted so it will fit in a tweet. For example:

Google Enhances Local Search With "Nearby" Filter [techcrunch] #Filter #Google

We could also include the buzzrank or other sources writing about the same story... we are experimenting about that.
What do you think? Do you find it useful?

martedì 23 febbraio 2010

Best Daily Video from Youtube

I like the way I was able to use BuzzBox to use the data provided by Fast Forward to show the feed of the best videos from youtube, constantly updated. A great channel to check out when you are bored and want to have some fun watching videos.

Popular YouTube Videos Feed

mercoledì 13 gennaio 2010

Spring Jdbc and no transaction

You don't need transaction? Are you using Spring Jdbc (SimpleJdbcTemplate)?
If you enable profileSQL in the jdbc connection url you will notice that all your queries are sorrounded by other 2 queries:

1. SET autocommit=1


3. SET autocommit=1

You don't need 1 and 3 with you are not working with transaction. They are very fast to execute but they require network communication with your DB (and you don't want that!)

You can fix that adding to your connection URL:


in my case:


In my case I'm working on Mysql ISAM tables.

Similarly, I had an annoying SHOW WARNINGS query after every query. It went away when I upgraded Spring from 2.5.4 to 2.5.6
I'm using mysql connector for Java 5.1.10