Ideas and Code

giovedì 24 settembre 2009

My Personalized Tech News

I've been working on BuzzBox for a while, so I feel now confortable now to share the first links to it.
I'm currently using BuzzBox to read the most popular tech news every day.
News from BuzzBox are:
- personalized: I picked my favourite web sites
- filtered: I get only the most popular news every day
- clustered: so I don't get the same news twice

I like to describe this first stage as a "personalized techmeme" (techmeme is an tech news aggregator).

You can see My BuzzBox at My BuzzBox

I've put the RSS in my Feed Reader, and I consume the news there. Others are pushing thier News from BuzzBox to Twitter. See for example or Anu's tech BuzzBox

We have a long roadmap ahead. We want to bring personalized news to social networks, we want to be a preferred place to share and comment about news with your friends and everybody else.

Check out the site and let me know what you think.

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